A DUI When Under 21 Years Old
If you are under 21 years of age in the state of California, you are subject to what is called a zero tolerance law if found to be driving drunk. In California, the legal limit for Blood Alcohol Concentration administered via a preliminary screening like a breathalyzer test is below .01%. If you are between the ages of 18 and 21, there are more requirements of you when pulled over for a DUI and there can also be more consequences and need for an experienced and knowledgeable San Diego DUI attorney.
If you are under 21 and your BAC was between .01% and .05%, you can still be tried as a minor with a civil offense, which may result in less harsh penalties. If your BAC was more than .05%, then you can be charged with a criminal offense and tried as an adult. A San Diego DUI lawyer will explain to you that at any age, a criminal record can alter your life forever.
When you are a minor, it can be even more devastating as your entire life is ahead of you and you do not want to see one fateful mistake change the course of it. Unlike an adult, a minor has no choice but to agree to chemical testing at the scene, when an adult does not have submit to chemical testing unless he or she is brought into police custody. If a minor refuses a chemical test, then his license will be taken away immediately for one year on top of any suspensions sentenced if convicted. He or she may also be subject to a blood test while restrained if that is refused as well. California is even harsh on minors for drinking if they weren’t driving.
A minor between the ages of 13 and 20 found with a BAC to be over the limit may have their driving privileges delayed for a year if they are not yet licensed. When looking for a DUI attorney in San Diego to defend your case, try to find one who has experience defending minors.
Drinking and driving at any age is no laughing matter. Drinking and driving (or drinking at all) when you are a minor is all the more serious. While you should never get behind the wheel of a car after drinking, we are all human and all humans make mistakes. With your entire life ahead of you to live, call a DUI lawyer in San Diego today to help make sure the entire course of it is not altered.